Tuesday, September 29, 2009


As you may have noticed, I'm attempting to catch up on my summer photographs by updating my blog today- I'll eventually get them done!

Fall semester at Mizzou has finally started, with a BANG! I'm working for the Columbia Missourian again, but this time though I don't have to strictly write stories, but instead I get to do what I love, take photographs! I have become obsessed with the sound of the shutter, yet again. At the beginning of the semester I wasn't too inspired, and turned out some pretty average shots, but recently I have had another dose of inspiration and have fallen back in love with photography. It only took an evening of great shadows and reflections to put the inspiration back in my shutter finger.

I'll continue to update my blog throughout the semester, but if you want to check directly with the Missourian, just go here.

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