Thursday, November 12, 2009

Veterans Day

Veterans day was truly beautiful, Mizzou had a morning parade complete with veterans, old school jeeps and herds of bagpipes. Only.... I left my camera at home. Crap. That NEVER happens. Somedays I have my lumix slung around my chest and ever actually take a picture, but other days, I see a beautiful light, a perfect moment, reach for my camera and... it's not there. That was my veterans day. Ohhh well. So please, picture a herd of bagpipers standing in perfect morning rim light. Yes. Spectacular.

Things happen... to you, Veterans Day, I dedicate this photograph taken when Obama came to Columbia on October 30, 2008. Even though you only have a 46% approval rating... I think you're doing a pretty swell job. Keep it up, you'll eventually be allowed to do what you want.


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