If you haven't listened to last week's, This American Life, do it, now. It's especially interesting to me because of our recent readings for my capstone course. Not only is it interesting because of the subject of abandoned houses, (If you haven't noticed my latest obession...) it's also interesting for it's truly remarkable use of audio.
Quick question for all blog readers- If you could have dinner with one person in the world, who would it be?
I would love to have dinner with Ira Glass. Hands down.
or Jim Henson

One thing that has really improved my audio skills in the past year, is actually buying my own audio recorder and learning how to use it, well. The marantz recorders in the newsroom were always screwed up, and I was always coming back from assignments with horrible quality audio. If you're in the market for an audio recorder, I highly suggest going with the Olympus LS-11 or LS-10.
Coupon Code for Olympus
Code- 7A388F506EA8EAF
Employee ID Number- OIMAPR
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