Okay bloggers- we need to have a serious conversation- about
GINGER, one of my new favorites. I started enjoying ginger two summers ago when I got a deep cough from sleeping in my Oma and Opa's basement in Germany. My Oma had me bike to the market and buy a few knuckles of ginger. She cut up, soaked it in hot water, added honey and made me drink it. At first I wasn't to keen on the mixture, but after about two days, my cough was completely gone. (Thanks Oma!) After that, I sort of forgot about ginger. The root resurfaced in my life about a month ago when I started making sassy water. Since then, I have been grating ginger and adding it to my bottle of water every single night.
Not only does it add zest to the water, but it also has TONS of health benefits. It cleans out your body, cures tons of common ailments including the common cold and even the flu! Almost every single country has a medical use for ginger.
So next time you're at the grocery store and see a basket of funny shaped roots- break off a piece, stick it in your cart and experiment with it at home! You'll be surprised the kind of flavor it adds to anything and the health benefits that are included!

I want to print this out and hang it in my kitchen!
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