Thank you for an amazing day Johnny!

I really live in a lethal city! (Although one of the people we bought a bed frame assured me that the sharks in Australia have rubber teeth... I'm really hoping she was serious.)

The best, most entertaining, fish and chips in Australia.

A lot of buildings in Australia are really modern and unoriginal. I feel a lot more foreign whenever I see a building that looks really "Australian" *see Nicole Kidman's Australia and other cliche films* like I'm out of the USA.

Instead of driving, John and I took the train. It was great to stop for a second in each town and have the train operator say... "This is Wallagonabie"... *not a real town name... but it's possible!*... It makes me feel like somebody is introducing me to the different towns along the way! Thank you, Australia, you really are quite friendly. (Except for the rude panty lady at Myers)

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