We drove the direct way on Saturday (4.5 hours), and took the lazy, much longer road back on Sunday (about 7 hours...).

I basically risked my life to take this picture. Please notice how small Jason and Jess are on the ground, and the fact that there are absolutely no safety precautions observed, enforced or even possible on this tree. I'm not scared of heights, but this was scary!

Good thing we read signs BEFORE we do things...

(click the photograph to see it bigger)

Even 40 metres up on the tree tops, John decided he needed to go higher.

The trees in the Valley of the Giants were called Tingle trees. What a fantastic tree name! It felt like we were in a prehistoric jungle.... I won't show you those goofy pictures.
Actually... I can't tease you like that.

On the way down we saw 3 dead kangaroos on the side of the road, we were lucky enough to see three living ones on the way back up!

epic playground
It is so nice to have Jason and Jess here! Thanks for visiting guys!!! I hope you survive the next two weeks...
I love the panorama! Beautiful scenery!
What kind of wild animal is Jason?
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